How to Become a Member of SFNC
Dear Prospective Member,
Shiba Inu Fanciers of Northern California (SFNC) would like to thank you for your interest in our club. SFNC is a non-profit club formed by a group of fanciers to help provide education and social interaction between people who love the breed.
The object of the club is:
- to encourage and promote quality in the breeding of purebred Shiba Inu and to do all possible to bring their natural qualities to perfection and to urge the ethical and humane treatment of Shibas by all club members.
- to urge members and breeders to accept the standard of the breed as approved by The American Kennel Club as the only standard of excellence by which Shiba Inu will be judged.
- to do all in its power to protect and advance the interests of the breed by encouraging sportsmanlike behavior at dog shows and obedience trials shows under the rules and regulations of The American Kennel Club.
- to conduct sanctioned matches, specialty show, and any other event for which the club is eligible under the Rules and Regulations of The American Kennel Club.

Before filling out the application, please take a few minutes to consider the type of membership that might suit your level of interest.
Junior Membership
For people under 18 years of age who wish to be involved in the club. This is a non-voting membership. Adult members of the family do not need to be members. Upon request, a Single or Associate membership can be granted to a Junior Member after 18 years of age without submission of a new application.
Associate Membership
For those who live outside the club’s geographic region or for individuals that live within the club’s boundaries that do not wish to attend meetings or are less active in the club but would like more information on the Shiba Inu and to participate in the club’s social activities. This membership entitles all privileges of the club excluding the right to vote, hold office, sponsor new members and/or chair committees. We encourage all members to join in our meetings. Even though this type of membership is not eligible for voting, every member’s voice is important to the club.
Single Regular Membership
This level allows complete club participation including the right to vote and hold office. It also implies a responsibility to help work for the club and become an active member. Anyone wishing to apply for regular membership must attend three (3) club meetings within one (1) year prior to applying.
After deciding which type of membership you desire, please read through the SFNC Code of Ethics (COE) and return it signed along with your completed application. In order to obtain the necessary number of sponsor’s signatures, it is recommended that you attend the next meeting or event and introduce yourself to us. Please note that you need TWO endorsements from Single Regular SFNC members from separate households to apply for either the Associate or Single Regular membership, but only one for Junior membership.
* SFNC monthly meetings are generally held in the middle of each month on a Tuesday evening starting at 7pm via Zoom video conference. If you are interested in attending one please contact us for login details.
Please remember what the Code of Ethics entails when you are enjoying your own Shiba or dealing with others.
The Code of Ethics and Membership application are available in PDF format. To view and print out these documents, you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader which you can download at no cost from the Adobe website.
Once your application for membership has been approved you will be notified and given information on how to access various member-only areas of the club’s website.
SFNC accepts two forms of payment – by check or PayPal.
For those paying by check – please make your check payable to SFNC.
For those paying by PayPal – Please send your payment to
If you have a scanner you can send your signed and completed Membership Application and COE forms to
For those sending by USPS mail – Send your check, signed Membership application and signed Code of Ethics to the Membership Chairman at:
Johnny Szary
c/o SFNC Membership
P.O. Box 211,
Benicia, CA 94510